Well, specific skills and technology stacks keeps changing! I'm in process to figure out how to best represent the "skills" I have. Until then, here is an outdated list I made looong back!
Languages and Technologies
I am good at
- Modern web application stack (HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript + jQuery + AJAX + SVG + ...)
- JavaScript & Node.js
- Python
Not thaaat good, but can easily work with
- Bash
- C
- C++
I have worked with, but I don't know much
- Java
- OpenGL
I can work with
- Almost anything, I hope!
Environment and other tools I use
- MySQL / MariaDB
- SQLite
- MongoDB
Version Control
- Git
Operating Systems
- Linux (preferred)
- Windows
Text Editor
- Atom
- Geany
- Vim
- WordPress